Thursday, December 13, 2007

First Timer

Hello All!

I just wanted to set up a Blog to join all of the McBride Women. Naturally I felt left out and wanted to join the party. I once over heard a conversation between three excited young women that goes well with this situation, it went like this: "O.k. girls what becomes before part 'B'?" altogether "Part-TAY". Well it was funny regardless.

I would also just like to add a few photos in tribute of my Mom and my cousin Sarah, who had the idea to take pictures like these.

This was taken at the beach this summer; check out my brother Kyle on the left.

I love how happy Erin looks in this, she makes a perfect star.

This is a Fun one, it looks like most people are a little late.

I Just like this Picture. Used the 'manual' function on our camera.

This is fun, Erin is 8 months pregnant and can still get some air... I think. She also looks like she's praising the Lord.

I told my mom I wouldn't post this but I think i had my fingers crossed.

I hope you enjoy this and I'll make another post in two minutes.


Unknown said...

hey babe i love the post! by the way i think you are tall, dark, and are tall (taller than me), dark (darker than me), and handsom! just thought you should know! love you!

Mary said...

That's a fun first post! I feel like watching a Toyota commercial now :)

Sister Field said...

I came; I saw; I liked it.

Mikey a.k.a. Dad

Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting the pictures, Bridger. I can see and feel the love.